Tuesday, January 25, 2011

At my fingertips

Things I'm thankful for:

  • My mp3 player!
  • Flute lessons
  • Those yummy banana muffins my mom made
  • Aly and her capability to make me laugh all the time
  • Heated blanket
  • My amazing class
  • God's unfailing forgiveness
  • The outside light on the empy house across the street
  • Katy and Meghan
  • Katy Perry
  • The broken screen in my window (I love opening the window and having the fresh air come in)
  • Shelby and the awesome person she is
  • Weather changes
  • My friend Kelli promised to read me a bedtime story before I graduate
  • I graduate in 4 months!!!
  • Aunt Jill
  • The Brothers Karamazov
  • My flutes kick brass poster
  • Music stickers I got at target
  • Watermelon gum

I could go on forever.

The End.

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