Friday, January 28, 2011


Today was the first rehearsal for the BSU highschool honor band. I did it last year and it was soooo much fun. Our conductor was awesome. My best memories from it are going out to eat and carpooling with Bekka, Kristin and Jonathan and this one brass player asking the conductor in the middle of rehearsal if he could give him a hug. It was pretty funny.

ALL-NORTHWEST IS IN 20 days!!!! I seriously CANNOT wait.

I've been reading about the Challenger Space shuttle. My teacher was telling us about it today. I watched the videos of it exploding, but I also watch the video of the VIP spectators watching it. This group of people included the parents of the 7 crew memebers. It was heartbreaking. I can't even imagine. I kept thinking about the crew members. What were they thinking while they were in the shuttle? Were they scared? Excited? Did they have any doubts or regrets about what they were doing? Did they know they were going to die or did they die before they even knew what happened? Think about all those little kids that were watching their teacher go up into space. They are all probably in their thirties now. That moment, 25 years ago, must be a moment imprinted on their minds forever.

I gotta go to bed. Pronto.

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